Going Green With Vintage and Used Designer Clothes

Are you still trying to find the “look” for you? Are you trying to find a way to look good and express your individuality at the same time? Or is it just too costly to do so? Here are some answers to all of these questions:

The “Back in Time” Look

People have tried many different tactics to find what suits their style. Some have tried to look like they just stepped out of Hollywood. Others try to pull off the “I just rolled out of bed” look; but if you are looking for something that isn’t too hard to keep up yet still stylish and appropriate for everyday life then you should think vintage clothing.

Vintage clothes take the simple beauty of nature and old styles and put them together. Vintage and retro clothing are based on styles of previous eras. A mainstream theme of vintage clothing is prints, specifically floral and animal prints. Accessories also use animals, flowers, and gemstones as their basis of design.

Many people today are concerned about “going green”. Wearing vintage clothing is one way to do this. The act of buying vintage items means you are recycling them. Some people are concerned with the fact that reused clothing means that it is less durable. This is actually false, in older times clothes were made to be more durable, which means vintage clothes will last longer and look prettier over time because they were designed to be wearable. Even if it is not your favorite style it’s trendy, it’s fun, and it’s easy to pull off on a daily basis.

Not for you?

Some people like to stick to their comfort zone, and for many Americans that is designer clothing. A large amount of people want modern or contemporary looks, but cannot afford it. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word say used? Most people would say old or dirty. However, used clothing isn’t like that, if you know where to look. Used designer clothes are very popular today. People can get the fashions they want for the prices that they can afford.

Some can’t stand the thought of stepping foot into a thrift store. Some feel that they are above thrift shopping. The common misconception is that they are messy and hard to find what you are looking for. Luckily, nowadays you don’t have to. Online thrift stores are becoming more and more popular today.

Online shopping is beneficial because most of the time you can go straight to what you are looking for instead or going though racks and racks of unsorted clothing. Another advantage of online thrift stores is that you can find more items than you expected. If you go designer clothe shopping in a mall you have to go into every store to view the different brands. With thrift shopping you can find all different brands in one place. Not to mention, you would spend half as much as you would buying designer clothes in a mall.

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About How Clothes Are Made

Clothes are made every day, whether by huge companies or by individuals in the comfort of their homes. As such, dressmaking is one of the oldest skills in the book, and it is something that everyone should at least endeavour to learn a bit more about. If you can make your own clothes, you have got absolute freedom and autonomy over what you wear and how you wear it – which puts you in a very unique position.

If, however, making clothes is something that eludes you completely, here is a step by step walkthrough of the process that you would typically be following…

The process of garment creation

One of the first things that you have to do when you make a garment is to choose the fabric. This in itself can be a very tedious process, simply because you need to make sure that you have got the best type of fabric around. You need to choose a fabric that hangs well and that is on the grain. If it is not cut on the grain, your garment will not fit you properly no matter what you do.

The next thing to do is to decide on a pattern. You need to have a pattern no matter the type of clothing that you are making, because all clothing is constructed from a pattern that has several recognisable pieces to it. While you are looking at your chosen pattern, you need to also determine what you need in order to complete the pattern. Things such as hooks, eyes and zips are all an integral part of making a piece of clothing. Once you have got all of these, the real work begins.

You need to cut out the pattern pieces and pin them to the clothing, after which you pin them to the fabric and cut them out as well. Next, stitch the garment together as per the instruction sheet that comes with the pattern. Make sure that you press and iron the garment after it is complete. In short, this is how clothes are made!

At an industrial level, the types of sewing machines that are available have got far more functions than the average machine, so they can make the clothes a lot faster and with a lot more flair.

If you are in the clothing manufacturing industry, you should consider where you get your fabrics from. You must always try to get the best imported range of fabrics, as they are often of the highest quality.

Buyer Beware! What You Need to Know Before You Buy Baby Clothes

You are expecting a baby! There are few events in your life that will be as profoundly sacred and joyous as the day you welcome your new bundle of joy into your family.

Like millions of parents to-be, you have probably spent months in thoughtful preparation to assure your little one has the best of everything. The list may appear never endless, from the perfect crib, bassinet, stroller, and car seat, to baby clothes.

This can be quite a daunting task to say the least. However, with forethought and proper planning, you can be on top of your game and ready for your new baby’s arrival. When deciding on which baby clothes to purchase, it is essential that the items are not only attractive, but functional as well.

These little ones are notorious for spitting up, leaking through super absorbent diapers, and not thinking twice about getting food (or other unmentionables) on the most expensive designer baby fashions. What is a new parent to do? Although the “cuteness” factor is important, practicality and functionality should be the deciding factors when purchasing baby clothes

Nothing Says Lovin’ (or Comfort) Like Cotton

Anyone who has ever touched a newborn’s skin will tell you how incredibly soft and delicate it is.

Your baby’s skin has not been subjected to the sun or wind nor has it experienced the unfortunate bruises and cuts that come with age. Therefore, it is crucial that it is protected and cared for as much as possible.

Your newborn’s skin is (or will be) quite sensitive and tender.

Although a dress or outfit may look adorable on a hanger, spotlighted from above to show off its intricate stitching and stunning design, if made from the wrong materials could cause discomfort to your baby’s delicate skin.

When choosing baby clothes, cotton or cotton quality blends are best. Cotton is ideal for your baby’s skin because it is absorbent, comfortable, breathes easily and is made of natural fibers. 100% cotton is ideal for baby clothes, but they often shrink when washed in hot water. Therefore, purchasing baby clothes made mostly of cotton blended with non-shrinking fibers would be best.

Lose the Non-Essentials

You may be unaware, but I want to warn you, babies are sometimes messy, often cranky little individuals. Picture this scenario; you have just dressed your princess in a lovely little designer number.

You are absolutely certain that she will be the center of attention as you proudly push her stroller down the street or bring her to a gathering of family and friends. However, as with all well laid plans, they have a way of going astray. At times like these, you can rest assured that your little buttercup will have a moment of internal upset. Regardless of which form this takes, the outfit must come off and a new one must be at the ready to take its place. This is where the accessibility of baby clothes is important to make life easy.

When time is of the essence, do you really want to fool with baby clothes with numerous snaps, buttons, belts and buckles?

Not only that, but some babies despise the dressing ritual. These little ones, in a volume that leaves you in awe that someone so tiny can produce sound waves of this magnitude, will let you know in no uncertain terms that they are “just not having it”!

Purchasing baby clothes that are easy to put on and take off is a must. This will help to insure your sanity and make dressing your pride and joy hassle free. If you like to shop, buying baby clothes is an enjoyable “labor of love”. Envisioning your baby in each outfit you purchase is one of the many pleasures that go hand-in-hand with parenthood.

However, before choosing a particular item, think about its functionality and practicality in conjunction with its visual appeal. This will insure the correct fit for your messy, sometimes unhappy bundle of joy.